Saturday, October 10, 2009

Foliage and Literature

It's October, and here in New England where the weather changes as often as celebrities change hairstyles, that means color...and lots of it!

The leaves on the treetops are becoming so achingly beautiful with their bright and burnt oranges, cheerful yellows and deep reds, I want to inhale them all and soak it all up into myself. In my life (and perhaps yours as well), there are moments that seem to be just as enchanting as the pictures painted with words in books. You look around and the beauty around you is just a bit overwhelming in a very good way. Meg Ryan has a line in the film You've Got Mail that goes something like this, "Everything in life reminds me of something I've read in a book. Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Moments like that remind me of this cinematic line, but I don't always agree. I feel that when something I see in life reminds me of something I've read in a book, it enhances the experience and shows me something in the beauty (or tragedy) of it that I may not have experienced otherwise and vice versa. I'm living in a fairytale and thrilled about it! Let me know what you think...

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